Archival Weather

Austin-Bergstrom Intl

Austin, Texas (KAUS)

Report from: Saturday, August 6, 2022 4:53 PM CDT
Current time: Friday, April 26, 2024 8:11 PM CDT

Current weather – Weather history – Daily summaries
Weather forecast

Present weatherLight thunderstorm with rain
Temperature31.7°C (89.1°F)
Heat index34.3°C (93.7°F)
Dew point20.6°C (69.1°F)
Winds 13 kts (6.7 m/s, 15 mph) South-Southwest (200°)
Wind gusts 19 kts (9.8 m/s, 21.9 mph)
Visibility10 mi. (16.1 km)
Clouds Scattered clouds with cumulonimbus 6,000 ft. (1,829 m)
Ceiling: Broken clouds 9,000 ft. (2,743 m)
Overcast 25,000 ft. (7,620 m)
Altimeter29.97 in.Hg (1015 mB)
Precip. events Rain began 9:48 PM
Thunderstorm ended 9:30 PM
Thunderstorm began 9:39 PM
Relative humidity52 %
Density altitude2,224 ft. (678 m)
Sea-level pressure101.4 kPa (1014 mB, 29.93 in.Hg)
Remarks Automated weather observing station with precipitation discriminator
Lightning observed
Lightning observed: intra cloud, cloud to cloud
Distant southeast occasional west thunderstorm west moving northwest cumulonimbus clouds observed overhead and southwest moving northwest
Flight conditions Visual Meteorological Conditions
Raw dataKAUS 062153Z 20013G19KT 10SM -TSRA SCT060CB BKN090 OVC250 32/21 A2997 RMK AO2 LTG DSNT SE RAB48 TSE30B39 SLP136 OCNL LTGICCC W TS W MOV NW CB OHD AND SW MOV NW P0000 T03170206
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